Friday, May 24, 2013

Devastation, Destruction & Rebuilding

So many terrible events have happened to our country the past 9 months. The East coast being pummeled by Sandy, the shooting in Newtown CT., the bombing in Boston and now the tornadoes affecting our heartland. There are millions that have been affected by these devastating events in one way or another. Then there are millions who feel helpless wondering how they can reach out to those suffering but don't know how, or even where to start.

I received an email today from our local Habitat for Humanity notifying us on how we can be of service to those still recovering from super storm Sandy in our area.  I immediately forwarded the message to my husband & he agreed that it would be a wonderful opportunity to involve ourselves & our children in such efforts.

Sadly I admit that we are like many people in America, caught up in the busyness of our lives, that we forget that others are struggling in the midst of tragic events, when there are so many opportunities to reach out even in small ways that would positively affect those in need.

So for my first effort, I've compiled a number of resources in hopes that it will be passed along to others so that we can reach these communities & individuals that are dealing with rebuilding what has been destroyed.

Not only will it make a difference in the lives of those in need,......but also make a significant difference in the lives of those who are reaching out.

How the Public Can Help Disaster Victims

Ways to Help

Assisting People With Disabilities in a Disaster

Helping Families in Distress

Habitat for Humanity

Animals in Disasters

Have a great day!

Greyfeather Farm